Category: Dog

Do You Know About The Process of Guinea Pig Death?

Like all other animals, guinea pigs may also face their death and those who are keeping such pets must be aware of how a guinea pig dies. Knowing will help the pet owners make their death more peaceful and smoother. Breeding work can make it possible for obtaining several decorative guinea pig breeds that may

Different types of Dog Beds

The variety of dog beds on the market might be overwhelming, but there are still several options accessible to those who want something a little more unique. It’s essential to keep in mind that each kind has advantages and disadvantages of its own. When a dog is sleeping, its owners must watch it to observe

Why we are not sure about Down syndrome in Pugs

In addition to the Lion dog and Pekingese, the Chinese produced ancient Pugs, one of the three species of short-nosed dogs. According to this theory, the renowned Chinese “Foo Dogs” are ancient Pugs. Pugs are genetically engineered creatures that would not exist without forced inbreeding. Due to their small snouts and narrow respiratory passageways, pugs

What provokes Dobermans aggression

Dobermans have a bad reputation for being aggressive or dangerous dog breeds, but these gifs are so cute. It is also a fact that though dogs are faithful and friendly with humans, they are still animals at the end of the day. In some circumstances, dogs might turn against their owners and attack them. To

Everything You Need for Your Pets Only at PETstock

Being a pet owner can be exhausting but, at the same time, rewarding. Your pets are like your children, so you make sure to choose the best products for them. In return, they become loyal only to you and give you unconditional love too. Sometimes, our pets are better than humans because they can understand

What to do when your dog is expecting puppies

In principle, whelping is a natural process in which you do not have to intervene. However, it is the owner’s responsibility to make sure that the pregnancy of his or her dog goes well by all means. Your Vetsend online veterinarian will help you take care of your dog’s well-being throughout her pregnancy. Taking advice